
Short Bio

Petra Isenberg (petra.isenberg@inria.fr) is a research director(DR) at the Inria Saclay Centre at Université Paris-Saclay, France in the Aviz team and part of the Computer Science Laboratory (LISN) of the University Paris-Saclay. Prior to joining Inria, she received her PhD from the University of Calgary in 2010 on collaborative information visualization. Petra also holds a Diplom-engineer degree in Computational Visualistics from the University of Magdeburg. Her main research areas are visualization and visual analytics with a focus on visualization for non-desktop devices, interaction, and evaluation. She is particularly interested in exploring how people can most effectively work together when analyzing large and complex data sets on novel display technology such as small touch-screens, wall displays, or tabletops. Petra is associate editor-in-chief at IEEE CG&A and the vice-chair of the IEEE VIS Steering Committee.

ORCID iD iconorcid.org/0000-0002-2948-6417

On my papers I list multiple affiliations. What does that mean?

Here in France it is common to cite all affiliations that support you or your lab in some form - and the affiliation you list on papers isn't always the place that your salary comes from. The same is true for me. My official affiliation is:

Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Inria, Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Sciences du Numérique, 91405 Orsay, France

or a bit shorter

Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Inria, LISN, 91405 Orsay, France

Let's take this apart a little. Université Paris-Saclay was once the Université Paris Sud and a few other places that merged together. My team is part of the Université Paris-Saclay and in particular the LISN laboratory, which is the computer science lab of the university. LISN stands for "Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Sciences du Numérique" or "interdisciplinary computer science laboratory". A lab in this case is like a faculty in other parts of the world. My team belongs to a department in this laboratory called "Human Centred Interaction" department (in French: "Interaction avec l'Humain", short name "Interaction").

Almost all of our PhD students are inscribed at Paris-Saclay University, they may have funding from there, we get a little funding from them, and we give courses there as well. LISN is co-funded by the CNRS which explains why it now also needs to figure into my official affiliation. My actual employer that sends paychecks is Inria, the French National Research Institute for Computer Science and Automation. My team is called Aviz.

Selected Awards

NominationIEEE VGTC Visualization Academy2023
 IEEE Senior Researcher2023
Research Excellence AwardsPEDR Inria2022--2025
 PEDR Inria2017--2021
 PEDR Inria2013--2017
 Departmental Research Award (University of Calgary)2005-2007
 Best graduate in Computer Science (University of Magdeburg)2005
 Best graduate in Computational Visualistics (University of Magdeburg)2005
 Best graduate (Limes-Gymnasium Welzheim / high school)1999
Best paper AwardPerception! Immersion! Empowerment! Superpowers as Inspiration for Visualization at IEEE VIS2021
 Evaluating Information Visualization in Large Companies: Challenges, Experiences and Recommendations (Beliv Workshop)2010
Best Poster AwardAward for the best poster design of the IEEE InfoVis 2020 Conference for “Black-and-White Textures for Visualization on E-ink Displays2020
Best Paper Honorable MentionGlanceable Data Visualizations for Older Adults: Establishing Thresholds and Examining Disparities Between Age Groups (ACM CHI)2024
 An empirical analysis of pool hopping behavior in the Bitcoin blockchain (IEEE ICBC)2021
 Supporting Handoff in Asynchronous Collaborative Sensemaking Using Knowledge-Transfer Graphs (IEEE VAST)2018
 `PolemicTweet: Video Annotation and Analysis through Tagged Tweets'' (Interact)2013
 Evaluation of Alternative Glyph Designs for Time Series Data in a Small Multiple Setting (ACM CHI)2013
 Efficient Structure-Aware Selection Techniques for 3D Point Cloud Visualizations with 2DOF Input (IEEE SCiVis)2012
 An Exploratory Study of Co-located Collaborative Visual Analytics around a Tabletop Display (IEEE VAST)2010
 Collaborative Brushing and Linking for Co-located Visual Analytics of Document Collections (EuroVis)2009
Best Poster Honorable MentionA systematic review of online bitcoin visualizations (EuroVis)2019
Research Challenge AwardsOutstanding Comprehensive Mini-Challenge 1 Solution: Award for contribution to the IEEE VIS VAST 2020 Challenge 1 for GraphletMatchMaker2020
 Clear Research Strategy VAST Challenge Award for Haztrailz: Exploratory Analysis of Trajectory and Sensor Data2016
Service AwardsVGTC Service Award for co-chairing the 2014 Beliv Workshop at IEEE VIS2015


2021HDR Université Paris-Saclay
 Micro Visualizations: Design and Analysis of Visualizations for Small Display Spaces
 Committee: David Aubert, Jason Dykes, Jean-Daniel Fekete, Silvia Miksch, Tamara Munzner
2010Ph.D. Computer Science University of Calgary
 Co-located Collaborative Information Visualization
 Advisor: Sheelagh Carpendale
 Committee: Saul Greenberg, Amy Gooch, Patrick Feng, Colin Ware
2004Diplom-Engineer University of Magdeburg
 Focus+Context Visualization of Relations in Hierarchical Data
 Advisor: Stefan Schlechtweg
 Second reviewer: Sheelagh Carpendale
1999Abitur Limes-Gymnasium Welzheim, Germany
1997High School Diploma Stephen Decatur Highschool, Decatur, USA

Research Experience and Employment

2010-todayInria, Saclay, France
 Research Scientist (ranks: CR1 2013--2022, DR2 2022-today)
Winter 2009/10University of Groningen, Groningen, NL
 Visiting Researcher
2004-2009University of Calgary
 Ph.D. Student Researcher
Fall 2008Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, USA
 Research Intern
Spring 2008Inria, Saclay, France
 Research Intern
Fall 2003National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
 Research Intern
Spring, Summer 2003University of Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany
 Research Assistant
Fall 2002University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada
 Research Intern
2000-Summer 2002University of Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany
 Research Assistant

Selected Service

  • Vice/co-chair IEEE VIS Steering committee (2021--)
  • Associate editor Computer Graphics Forum 2023--
  • Associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 2018-2022
  • Paper Chair for ACM Mobile HCI, 2022
  • Paper Chair for ACM ISS, 2021
  • Paper Chair for IEEE Information Visualization 2018, 2019

Other Sources