These old news made the front page a little while back

Deccember 2023: PhD Defense
My PhD student Lijie Yao successfully defended her PhD on Situated Visualization in Motion. Her PhD has now also been awarded with a prix de thèse de 2023 de l'AFIHM (2023 Ph.D. thesis prize from AFIHM)
October 2023: Visualization Academy
I am honored to have been inducted in the IEEE VGTC Visualization Academy.
May 2023: Research Visit to the University of Bergen
I visited the University of Bergen to see Morten Fjeld and Helwig Hauser. I gave a talk on Visualization for Mobile Devices and Embedded Experiences.
September 2022: Visual Analytics Course
My visual analytics course will start again in the middle of September. This year the course page will be hosted directly by CentraleSupelec.
June 2022: Research Director
I passed the DR2 competition at Inria and will become a research director starting in October. If you are curious read about the French research positions here.
June 2022: EuroVis Posters
My PhD students Alaul Islam and Lijie Yao and our Master student Federica Bucchieri are off to Rome to present posters about their work in progress at EuroVis 2022.
May 2022: ACM CHI Paper
Alaul Islam will present our paper on Preferences and effectiveness of sleep data visualizations for smartwatches and fitness bands at ACM CHI 2022.
January 2022: ACM MobileHCI
I serve as the paper chair for the ACM Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction with Jason Alexander and Bing-Yu Chen (Robin).
November 2021: Habilitation a diriger des recherches
I successfully defended my HDR (habilitation).
October 2021: Contributions at VIS
With my students and collaborators, we contribute several paper presentations to VIS this year: 1 TVCG paper and 3 VIS full papers, among them one best paper award for Perception! Immersion! Empowerment! Superpowers as Inspiration for Visualization. I will also co-teach a tutorial on how to become a successful PC member and will co-run a meetup on Gender and Diversity at IEEE VIS. Come join us there!
May 2021: Best paper runner-up at ICBC
Our ICBC'21 paper on An empirical analysis of pool hopping behavior in the Bitcoin blockchain won the best-paper runner up award. Congrats to my student Natkamon Tovanich (who is looking for a postdoc).
March 2021: VIZBI
I gave one of the keynotes of this years VIZBI conference on the intersection of HCI and visualization.
January 2021: ACM ISS
I serve as the paper chair of the ISS conference winter submission round together with Morten Fjeld.
October 2020: IEEE VIS 2020
I attended the virtual VIS 2020 this year and had a few contributions. First I spoke on a panel at Beliv 2020 about my reflections on the future of evaluation in visualization, then I spoke at the reVISe townhall answering about the changes coming to VIS 2020, and my students and colleagues also presented some of our joint work (2 papers, 1 short paper, 2 posters) - one poster won the IEEE InfoVis VIS poster design award.
September 2020: Keynote at Mensch und Computer 2020
I gave the virtual keynote of the 2020 Mensch und Computer conference (the German HCI conference). You can see a recording here:
August 2020: Influential Scholar
I made 7th place on the 2020 AI 2000 Most Influential Scholars in Visualization list. (The top 10 most cited scholars from the top venues of this field over the past 10 years).
June 2020: New service role
I serve as the vice-chair of the IEEE VIS steering committee which provides long-term scientific and organizational oversight of the IEEE VIS conference.
March 2020: EMBER grant started
We started the ANR grant EMBER in collaboration with my researchers at Sorbonne University and the University of Bordeau. Lijie Yao started as my intern and will continue her PhD studies on situated visualizations in motion.
November 2019: MicroVis grant started
I started a new ANR PCRI research grant in collaboration with the University of Stuttgart on the topic of Micro Visualizations. Alaul Islam started as my PhD student hired through the grant.
October 2019: IEEE VIS + SEVEN workshop
I left for a busy week at IEEE VIS in Vancouver Canada. I co-taught a tutorial on how to communicate and evaluate VIS research contributions, opened the InfoVis track with my paper co-chairs, attended a CG&A and TVCG editorial board meeting, attended a meeting and townhall as part of my work on the reVISe committee, and served on a panel on Top Research Questions for Empirical Studies in Visualization. At the end of the week I ran a 1.5 day workshop with my team members from the Inria-Calgary associated team SEVEN.
September 2019: Internship - Master Thesis Topics To Come
I will post a number of internship topics on the Aviz jobs page soon. If you are interested in working with me for your Master's thesis, look at the topics and contact me (or propose a new topic). Some of the topics can be continued as PhD topics. Stay tuned...
September 2019: Teaching @ CentraleSupelec
I am teaching a course on Visual Analytics at CentraleSupelec. The class website can be found here.
September 2019: Tutorial @Ubicomp and visit to GICentre
With Bongshin Lee and Eunkyoung Choe I co-taught a tutorial on Visualization at Ubicomp 2019 in London. The next day I visited the amazing GiCentre at City, University of London and gave an invited talk.
July 2019: Keynote at BioVis
I gave a keynote at BioVis 2019 @ISMB in Basel, Switzerland entitled "Physical, Contextual, and Full of Value? What do novel directions in Visualization teach us about judging the value of visualization? "
October 2018:New Community Service Roles
I have recently been appointed as Associate Editor in Chief (Social Media) for the CG&A magazine, as an Associate Editor for TVCG, and I am also serving as the treasurer for the Paris SigCHI chapter.
October 2018:Attending VIS 2018 & Dagstuhl
In late October I will be in Berlin to co-chair the Beliv 2018 workshop, see our paper on Mobile Time Series (with Matt Brehmer, Bongshin Lee, and Eun kyoung Cho) and Smartwatch-sized visualization (with Tanja Blascheck, Anastasia Bezerianos, Lonni Besançon, and Bongshin Lee) presented, and start the InfoVis sessions off as a papers chair. Right after I will head to Dagstuhl to co-chair the seminar on Data Physicalization with Yvonne Jansen, Bernice Rogowitz, Andrew vande Moere, and Jason Alexander.
May 2018: Visiting the Interactive Media Lab in Dresden
I am visiting the University of Dresden for the PhD defense of Ulrike Kister and to give a talk on micro visualization for mobile and pervasive data exploration
April 2018: Attending CHI 2018
I just returned from CHI 2018 where I co-organized a workshop on mobile data visualization and attended a Blockchain for HCI workshop and presented a paper.
March 2018: Aviz-iLab Associated Team SEVEN
Wesley Willett and I were accepted to be PIs for an Inria Associated Team SEVEN on Situated and Embedded Visualizations for Data Analysis between the iLab at Calgary and the Aviz Team at Inria.
November 2017: Visiting TU Vienna & Vienna University
I will visit the TU Vienna for a PhD defense On Nov. 6th and give a talk on evaluation in visualization (an updated version of the one I gave in Stuttgart a few months ago). On the 7th in the morning I'll visit the University of Vienna with Michael Sedlmair.
October 2017: Paper Chairing for VIS 2018
I am serving as the papers co-chair for IEEE VIS 2018. Look out for our new cfp and send us your best work!
October 2017: Teaching @ Ecole Centrale
I am teaching a course on Visual Analytics at Ecole Centrale Paris. The class website can be found here.
October 2017 VIS
I had a busy VIS-week in Phoenix where four papers I co-authored were presented. I also presented a poster on our Bitcoin visualization research and served on a panel about reflection in design studies research. Our paper on hand-off in asynchronous collaboration (video) received a VAST best paper honorable mention.
February 2017 Invited Talk
I gave an invited talk at the University of Stuttgart on Evaluation in Visualization: A closer look at current practices, issues, and perspectives (slides)
November 2016 Teaching @ Paris Sud
I am teaching the InfoVis class at the University of Paris Sud in the HCI Master program. The class website can be found here.
November 2016: Internship - Master Thesis Topics Online
I just posted a number of internship topics on the Aviz jobs page. If you are interested in working with me for your Master's thesis, look at the topics and contact me (or propose a new topic).
October 2016: VAST Challenge Awards
With Karthik Badam and Christoph Kinkeldey I won a VAST challenge honorable mention award for "clear analysis strategy" working on the mini challenge 2 problem.
September 2016: Teaching @ Ecole Centrale
I am currently teaching a course on Visual Analytics at Ecole Centrale Paris. The class website can be found here.
February 2016: Teaching @ University of Dresden
I will teach a block course on Visual Analytics at the University of Dresden. The class website can be found here.
February 2016: Teaching @ Ecole Centrale, Paris
I am teaching an Intro to HCI lecture at Ecole Centrale. The class website can be found here.
December 2015: Engineer/PostDoc Position & Master Thesis topics
I am hiring an engineer/PostDoc to work on a Bitcoin project. I also have several Master's thesis/internship opportunities available. For more information visit our team's recruitment website.
September 2015: Teaching
I am currently teaching Visual Analytics at Ecole Centrale and co-teach Information Visualization at Paris Sud. If you are a student you can find more information here: the Aviz teaching page.
July 2015: Keynote at CANVAS 2015
I gave a keynote lecture on display technology and visual analytics at the CANVAS 2015 summer school held at York University. I also took the opportunity to visit Christopher Collin's lab at UOIT.
May 2015: Maternity Leave
My maternity leave is over and I'm back at work.
January - May 2015: Maternity Leave
I am currently on maternity leave - please don't send me paper reviews in this time. I read emails occasionally but for urgent work-related matters contact my interim team leader Tobias Isenberg.
November 2014: IEEE VIS Discovery Exhibit - New Link
A couple of years ago I was involved in creating and organizing the discovery exhibit at IEEE VIS as a place to share success stories in visualization. The exhibit has been discontinued but the website lives on at the University of Konstanz. In the future you can find the old pages here.
November 2014: IEEE VIS in Paris
Our research team is heavily involved in organizing VIS 2014 in Paris. I am the Exhibits chair, co-author of two research papers and a poster, and co-organizer of two workshops. I will also be a panelist at the Doctoral Colloquium and organized the first ever VIS family room.
September 2014: Teaching
I am currently co-teaching Visual Analytics at Ecole Centrale. If you are a student you can find more information here: Visual Analytics Class Website.
June 2014: Capstone speaker at EuroVA
I will be the capstone speaker at the European Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA). I will speak about How important is novel display technology to visualization and visual analytics? (slides and video now online in the Talks Section)
December 2013: Teaching
I am currently teaching two courses. If you are a student you can find the class websites here: Introduction to HCI at Ecole Centrale and Introduction to Information Visualization at Paris Sud.
December 2013: Promotion
I got promoted and am now a CR1 researcher at INRIA. The promotion will be applied retroactively for all of 2013.
December 2013: UOIT and CHI PC Meeting
I visited Christopher Collin's lab at UOIT. Thanks for a great set of talks and demos. Afterwards I attended the CHI PC meeting in Toronto.
November 2013: ITS Poster Chair
I will be poster chair for The Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces 2014 that will be held in Dresden, Germany. Send us your best posters! :-)
November 2013: Dagstuhl Seminar
I will attend the Dagstuhl Seminar 13452 on Proxemics in Human-Computer Interaction.
October 2013: VIS in Atlanta, USA
I will attend VIS 2013, present one paper and serve as workshops co-chair with Tobias Schreck and Zo� Wood.
September 2013: Data Stories
I was interviewed by Enrico Bertini and Moritz Stefaner for their Data Stories Podcast about my work on Visualization Beyond the Desktop.
September 2013: Award
Samuel Huron's PolemicTweet and our subsequent paper received an honorary mention at INTERACT 2013.
August 2013: Dagstuhl Seminar
I am co-organizing the Dagstuhl seminar Interaction with Information for Visual Reasoning at the end of August.
July 2013: Two articles, one poster accepted to VIS
Two articles I co-authored were accepted to VIS (formerly VisWeek), one very fun article on Hybrid-Image Visualizations (see demos here) to InfoVis and the other on a systematic review of the practice of evaluating visualization in the SciVis conference. As a team we also published a poster on our present for Jean-Daniel Fekete's 50th birthday. Papers will be made available later in the pubs section on the left.
June 2013: Journ�es Big Data and Visualization
I spoke at Journ�es Big Data and Visualization about my work with Anastasia Bezerianos on big wall displays and visualization. Talk slides are online in the "talks" section.
February 2013: Papers accepted
A paper on temporal glyphs I worked on with colleagues at the University of Konstanz got accepted to CHI 2013. It will be presented by Johannes Fuchs in May here in Paris. You can find the paper in the publications section. Our summary of findings from the Dexis 2011 workshop was also accepted as a CG&A viewpoints article and will be published around March.
June 2013: EuroVis
I'll be attending EuroVA/EuroVis and the RVVV workshop in Leipzig. Looking forward to the program!
February 2013: Award
Our CHI paper on Evaluation of Alternative Glyph Designs for Time Series Data in a Small Multiple Setting (pdf) receives a best paper honorable mention. (top 5% of submitted papers to CHI 2013)
January 2013: Back to Work
My maternity leave is over and I'm officially back to work!
December 2012: CHI PC Meeting
I am participating in the CHI 2013 program committee meeting. Looking forward to meeting a great crowd of HCI researchers in Paris and discussing quality papers for next year's program.
October 2012: Award(s)
Our IEEE Vis paper on Efficient Structure-Aware Selection Techniques for 3D Point Cloud Visualizations with 2DOF Input receives a best paper honorable mention. My research team also receives three other awards at VisWeek.
September - December 2012: Maternity Leave
I am currently on maternity leave - please don't send me paper reviews in this time. I read emails occasionally but for urgent work-related matters contact my team leader Jean-Daniel Fekete.
August 2012: Workshop Accepted
I am co-organizing Beliv 2012, a VisWeek workshop on novel evaluation methods for visualization. Paper submission deadline is September 1st.
July 2012: VisWeek Papers Accepted
Four articles that I co-authored with my amazing collaborators have been accepted to VisWeek 2012. Stay tuned for final versions and their presentation at VisWeek in October. Our TVCG paper on Empirical Studies in Information Visualization: Seven Scenarios has also been selected for presentation at VisWeek this year.
June 2012: EuroVis/VA Travel
I attended EuroVis and EuroVA at the beginning of June where I served on the best short paper committee with Miriah Meyer, Tino Weinkauf, and Torsten M�ller.
May 2012: Dexis 2011 Proceedings Online
The Proceedings of the Data Exploration on Interactive Surfaces Workshop - DEXIS 2011 are now online. You can find the workshop website here.
April/May 2012: Lots of travel...
In April you may have seen/met me at Schloss Dagstuhl for the seminar on Touching the 3rd Dimension, at the University of Granada (meeting with Domingo Martin's group), or in May at CHI 2012 in Austin, TX.
February 2012: Publications
Stefanie Klum's Master's project on tangibles for collaborative and individual faceted browsing (co-supervised with Raimund Dachselt) was accepted as a CHI interactivity and as a full paper to AVI 2012. Congrats! Both will be presented in May, stay tuned.
January 2012: Publication
Our article Empirical Studies in Information Visualization: Seven Scenarios has now appeared online in pre-print at TVCG (doi). It replaces an earlier techreport. Please refer to the new, updated, and improved article in the future.
December 2011: Service
I will be the publicity chair for ITS 2012 to be held in Cambridge, USA. Stay tuned for news about the conference on Facebook, G+, and Twitter.
December 2011: Service
I will be the tutorials chair for VisWeek 2012 to be held in Seattle, USA. Please send us some interesting tutorial proposals by June.
December 2011: Visiting the University of Groningen
I will travel to the University of Groningen to attend a PhD defense and give a talk on our latest work related to perception in information visualization.
November 2011: Service
I will be the publicity chair for ITS 2012 to be held in Cambridge, USA.
November 2011: Dexis 2011 at ITS in Japan
I will travel to ITS 2011 to hold a workshop on interactive surfaces for data analysis. We have an exciting program, have a look at our workshop website.
October 2011: DualScale Charts at InfoVis
I attended VisWeek to present our paper on Dual-Scale Data Charts, and organize Visualization in Other Venues. Talk slides are now online.
  • September 2011: I am co-organizing a workshop on data exploration on interactive surfaces (DEXIS'11). Have a look at our workshop website and send us your position paper by October 1st!
  • July 2011: I will be visiting Raimund Dachselt's group at the University of Magdeburg to work on a joint project and attend a Master's defense.
  • July 2011: Slides from my tutorial on Large Displays for Information Visualization held at PacificVis 2011 earlier this year are now available online
  • July 2011: I will give a one-day course on Information Visualization at the University of Zurich IFI Summer School.
    Slides from the course are now available for download (77MB)
  • June 2011: I will be visiting the University of Kaiserslautern and give a talk by invitation from the International Research Training Group (IRTG)
  • May 2011: Two journal articles were accepted to upcoming issues of Information Visualization. One is an overview article on Collaborative Visualization and the other discusses evaluation challenges for information visualization in large companies. References here...
  • May 2011: I will attend CHI 2011 in Vancouver. Michael Sedlmair will present our paper on Cardiogram: Visual Analytics for Automotive Engineers. Come see it Tue 16:00 in the Visual Analytics session.
  • April 2011: I played a bit with graph layouts and built two applets which always read up-to-date coauthorship networks: for the aviz group and mine for my network (scroll down for the better layout.
  • April 2011: I will be visiting the University of Granada.
  • February/March 2011: I will present a tutorial and a paper at PacificVis 2011 in Hong Kong.
  • February 2011: I will be visiting the University of Konstanz HCI, graphics, & visualization group. Looking forward to seeing some great work going on there.
  • January 2011: Our CHI paper on Cardiogram: Visual Analytics for Automotive Engineers has been accepted to CHI 2011 and can be found in the Program on Tuesday at 16:00 in the Visual Analytics session. Once we have submitted the camera-ready version, I will make it available in my publications section.
  • November 2010: I attended this years ITS conference. As usual there was some very exciting research on tabletops and interactive surfaces to be seen.
  • October 2010: Together with my co-authors from MSR, I received an honorable mention at IEEE VAST for our paper on An Exploratory Study of Visual Analytics Around a Tabletop Display (pdf)
  • October 2010: I am visiting the ilab at the University of Calgary for the SurfNet workshop and to work on some ongoing projects.
  • September 2010: I was invited to teach about Collaborative Visualization in Klausen, Italy for the GK summer school by the University of Konstanz
  • August 2010: I will be in Toronto 08/17-21 to visit DGP, give a talk, and attend the ITS 2010 PC meeting.
  • July 2010: I accepted a full-time research scientist position at INRIA in the AVIZ team.
  • July 2010: I will present a paper at IEEE VAST 2010 on An Exploratory Study of Co-located Collaborative Visual Analytics around a Tabletop Display. The paper is now available from my publications section.
  • July 2010: A paper I co-authored with folks at the University of Groningen was accepted to IEEE Visualization 2010: FI3D: Direct-Touch Interaction for the Exploration of 3D Scientific Visualization Spaces.
  • June 2010: I am co-chairing IEEE VisWeek 2010's Discovery Exhibition. The deadline is July 19th. Please see the website for our call for participation and send us your visualization impact stories!
  • May 2010: The Proceedings from last year's CoVis Workshop on Collaborative Visualization on Interactive Surfaces (at VisWeek 2009) that I co-edited have now been published and are available here and in my publications section.
  • April 2010: During a volcano-related delay of my flight home from CHI I was welcomed by John Stasko and invited to work and speak at his lab. Thank you!
  • April 2010: We won the best paper award at BELIV 2010 for our work on Evaluating Information Visualization in Large Companies: Challenges, Experiences and Recommendations. You can download and read the paper here.
  • February 2010: I am publicity chair for the International Conference on Tabletops and Interactive Surfaces
  • February 2010: I am starting a PostDoc position at INRIA working with Jean-Daniel Fekete and fellow researchers at AVIZ.
  • January 2010: A Beliv paper I worked on with fellow researchers from BMW and the LMU Munich got accepted. I also co-authored an accepted alt-chi paper which will be presented at CHI this year.
  • December 2009: I visited Magdeburg University, saw some nice new updates from Raimund Dachselt's group and gave a colloquium talk.
  • November 2009: I successfully defended my thesis on the 20th. My thesis is now available in my publications section.
  • October 2009: Tobias and I visited Paris and got an introduction to INRIA, and saw lots of interesting demos at Aviz, in-situ, and LIMSI research labs. Thanks to Jean-Daniel Fekete for being a great host.
  • October 2009: I visited Purdue University, gave a lecture on Collaborative Information Visualization in Niklas Elmqvist's class, and saw some nice demos from his students. Thanks everyone!
  • September 2009: One paper I co-authored just got accepted to ACM Tabletop and Interactive Surfaces. The paper is now available in my my publications list.
  • August 2009: I will be traveling to Interact to present a project I was involved in during my Microsoft Research internship. Check out my publications list for more details.
  • August 2009: I am co-organizing a VisWeek workshop on Collaborative Visualization on Interactive Surfaces. Please consider submitting some interesting papers! Deadline is August 1st.
  • July 2009: Two papers got accepted to IEEE InfoVis 2009. One is on the comparison of user-generated and automatic graph layouts and the other on collaborative visualization. Check out my publications list for more details.
  • July 2009: I am also co-organizing a new event at VisWeek, the Discovery Exhibition. If you have any interesting stories to tell about visualization use in the wild, check out our website and submit a paper. Deadline is July 17th.
  • June 2009: A paper from my research visit at AVIZ last year got accepted to Computer Graphics and Applications: Special Issue on Collaborative Visualization. Stay tuned for it to appear in the September/October issue.
  • June 2009: Tobias and I visited Raimund Dachselt's group at the University of Magdeburg. We got lots of cool demos! Check out their project page.
  • June 2009: I just attended EuroVis 2009 to present my Microsoft Research internship project. At the conference we received a (3rd) best paper award for paper and presentation <:-). I just uploaded the paper to the publication section and a video of the project can also be found on YouTube.
  • May 2009: I visited Michael Haller's group at the Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences in Hagenberg, Austria. Some pretty amazing research going on there!
  • April 2009: Two papers got accepted. I will go to EuroVis to present my MSR internship project in June, and I was involved in Chris North's MSR project on table gestures which just got accepted to Interact
  • April 2009: Following Tobias to visit the University of Granada in Spain, where he has a short teaching commitment. I'm hoping to see some of the research going on there.
  • April 2009: CHI in Boston was great. The Microsoft Alumni Club sponsored my trip (many thanks) and I finally got to enjoy the whole conference!
  • March 2009: I am the VisWeek Discovery Exhibition co-chair. Check out our website and consider submitting to our new addition to the conference.
  • February 2009: I visited Andreas Butz' research group at the LMU Munich. I saw some great demos. Joint projects are on the way.
  • January 2009: I am joining the University of Groningen as a visiting researcher.
  • September 2008: I am joining Microsoft Research's VIBE group for 3 months.
  • May 2008: I attended the EuroVis 2008 conference in Eindhoven, NL.
  • April/May 2008: I am visiting Jean-Daniel Fekete's AVIZ research group at INRIA in France to work on an exciting collaborative infovis project.
  • April 2008: I presented a paper at CHI in Florence about my PhD research (see the publications section).
  • January 2008: My research project on an infovis application for our digital tabletop display was just shown on 'Daily Planet' a science news show on the Canadian Discovery Channel (aired on January 9th, 2008).

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